
Module One

Standard Footer

These examples represent the standard style for footers with the company’s logo, location, contact information/links, copyright date, and the occasional navigational links, all formatted in a simple design.

footers example

Module Two

Centered Footer

These particular footers contain the same information as the standard examples, but with the content centered in the footer.

footers example

Module Three

Small Footer

These small footers contain the same information as the standard examples, but condensed to a very thin band. This style optimizes space on the page but takes away the ability to include navigational links within the footer.

footers example

Module Four

Large Footer

These large footers are often used by parent companies to showcase their family of companies as well as the company’s logo, location, contact information/links, copyright date, and the occasional navigational links.

footers example

Module Five

Call to Action Footer

More complex in design, the purpose of these footers is to grab the viewer’s attention and influence them to engage with the company.

footers example

Module Six

Logo-Overlap Footer

These custom footers offer a unique design with the company’s logo centered and overlapping where the footer and background image meet.

footers example

Module Seven

Custom Footer

There are many approaches to custom-designed footers to make them more visually interesting and integrate them into the design of the website.

footers example

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