Tables Modules

Tables are ideal for displaying product specifications or comparative data. It can be a challenge to display this data readably for small screens. Empoweren provides a variety of table styles and mobile solutions.

Module One

Standard Table

Basic chart data implementation uses a brand color to denote the heading row and alternating colors for content rows for easier comparison.

tables example

Module Two

Standard Comparative Table

Use side-by-side tables for comparison of complex specifications.

tables example

Module Three

Custom Comparative Table

Use custom iconography to create a more interesting look for a comparison table.

tables example

Module Four

Simplistic Table

Display product specifications simply in table format.

tables example

Module Five

Custom List

Use custom iconography and a simple layout to relay important details.

tables example

Module Six

Large Standard Table

Display product specifications simply in table format.

tables example

Module Seven

Comparative Table

Display product or service specifications simply in table format.

tables example

Module Eight

Listed Pricing

Display product specifications simply in table format.

tables example

Module Nine

Large Pricing Table

Use custom iconography and a simple layout to relay important details.

tables example

Module Ten

Large Complex Table

Display complex, in-depth data on a product or service.

tables example

Module Eleven

Accordion Table

Use an accordion to divide data tables for multiple products, creating a more comparative feature.

tables example

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